Nokia 6090 AT Command Set 26+CMEC ME Control ModeSelects whether ME or TE (or both) are allowed to update ME physical UIcomponents. Display writing and Indicator updating are not supported. (GSM 07.07.)Syntax:AT+CMEC=[[, [,] ]] Default option is 0 [,0] [,0].AT+CMEC? Query current setting.Response is +CMEC: , 0, 0AT+CMEC=? Show supported values.Response is +CMEC: (list of supported's), (0), (0)Parameters::0 ME can be operated only through itskeypad2 ME can be operated from both ME keypadand TE:0 only ME can write to its display:0 only ME can set the status of its indicators(command +CIND can only be used toread the indicators); see 20+CMEE Report Mobile Equipment ErrorThis command controls the presentation of extended error information result code.See also result code +CME ERROR. (07.07)Syntax:AT+CMEE=[] Default option is 0.AT+CMEE? +CMEE: AT+CMEE=? Response is +CMEE: (list of supported's).Parameters::0 disable +CME ERROR: result codeand use ERROR instead1 enable +CME ERROR: result codeand use numeric values2 enable +CME ERROR: result codeand use verbose values+CMER ME Event ReportingEnables/disables the presentation of unsolicited keypad and indicator result codes.Important note: This feature is avaible in 5.300 SW or later.Syntax:AT+CMER=[[,[,[,[,]]]]]Default option is [2],0,[0],0,[0].AT+CMER? +CMER:,,,,AT+CMER=? Response is +CMER: (list of supported’s), (list of supported ’s),(list of supported ’s), (list ofsupported ’s), (list of supported’s).Parameters: