Nokia 6090 AT Command Set 38+CPBR Read Phone Book EntriesIf given index range is valid but all entries in it are empty, response is empty. (GSM07.07)Syntax:AT+CPBR=[, ] Response is [+CPBR: ,, , [[...] +CPBR:, , , ]]AT+CPBR=? Show supported values. Response is+CPBR: (-list),[],[]Parameters:, , : integer type values in the range of location numbersof phonebook memory: string type phone number of format : type of address octet in integer format (GSM 04.08): string type field of maximum length ; character set as specified bycommand Select TE Character Set +CSCS: integer type value indicating the maximum length of field ME: = 30; Rest depends on SIM.: integer type value indicating the maximum length of field ME: = 16; Rest depends on SIM.Examples:This command is good if you want a range or even all entries.AT+CPBR=1,100Returns all entries from index 1 to 100.AT+CPBR=26Returns the entry from index 26.If you want to search on another storage see command +CPBS.Note:Depending upon SIM, not all phonebooks selectable by AT+CPBS return a list ofsupported values when interrogated by CPBR=?. Those not supporting values mayreturn an error message. However, entries can still be viewed by giving a valid range.For example, if the phonebook "DC" were selected by AT+CPBS="DC", thenrequesting a list of supported values may result in an error as follows:AT+CPBR=?ERRORHowever, phonebook entries can still be viewed as follows (assuming an entry existsat index 0 only):AT+CPBR=0,10+CPBR: 0,"555333",129,""OK