Nokia 6090 AT Command Set 35+COLP Connected Line Identification PresentationControls presentation of +COLP intermediate result code or returns COLPsubscription status from network. Nokia 6090 does not support network status query, equals always 2. (GSM 07.07)Syntax:AT+COLP=[] Select bearer service type. Defaultoption is 0.AT+COLP? Query current setting.Response is +COLP: ,AT+COLP=? Show supported values.Response is +COLP: (list of supported's).Parameters:: parameter sets/shows the result codepresentation status in the TA:0 disable1 enable: parameter shows the subscriber COLPservice status in the network:2 unknown (e.g. no network, etc.)+COPS Operator selectionSet command forces an attempt to select and register the GSM network operator. is used to select whether the selection is done automatically by the Nokia6090 or is forced by this command to operator , which is given in format.Important note: This feature is avaible in 5.300 SW or later.Syntax:AT+COPS=[[,[,]]]select operatorAT+COPS? Query current setting.Response is +COPS:[,,]AT+COLP=? Show supported values.Response is +COLP: [(list of supported), numeric] [,, (list ofsupported 's), (list of supported's)].Parameters:: network mode, which is choose to selectthe network0 automatic ( field is ignored)1 manual ( shall be presented): parameter shows the network operatorcode:2 numeric : network operator code: Availability of the operator0 unknown1 available2 current3 forbiddenExamples:AT+COPS=1,2,”26202”