Nokia 6090 AT Command Set 7AbbreviationsThe following abbreviations used throughout this document are intended to conveythe meaning indicated below:AT ATtentionCBM Cell Broadcast MessageCTS Clear To SendDCD Data Carrier DetectDCE Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment, i.e., here the data card(see also TA below)DSR Data Set ReadyDTE Data Terminal Equipment (see also TE below)DTR Data Terminal ReadyFBUS Fast asynchronous serial busIMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity (ME serial number)IMSI International Mobile Subscriber IdentityME Mobile Equipment, here: Nokia 6090MO Mobile OriginatedMT Mobile TerminatedNMP Nokia Mobile PhonesOA Outgoing accessPDU Protocol Data UnitRLSD Received Line Signal DetectorRTS Request To SendSIM Subscriber Identity ModuleSM Short MessageSMSC Short Message Service CentreTA Terminal Adapter, the physical equipment where AT commandinterpreter resides (is Nokia 6090, too)TE Terminal Equipment, the physical equipment from whereapplications communicate with TA using AT commands, e.g. acomputerUI User Interface