Nokia 6090 AT Command Set 72Copyright © 2001. Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.+CME ERROR Values: Kinds of Errors1 phone security code required to execute the AT command2 ME does not have a SIM connected to it3 SIM PIN required to execute the AT command4 SIM PUK required to execute the AT command5 phonebook memory location does not exist6 phonebook memory location is empty7 match in searched string is not found from any of the memorylocations8 general memory error; e.g. problems in SIM databasecommunication9 call hold/retrieve/swap/build/split/transfer/deflection failed orcannot be actioned10 manual network selection is not possible because unavailableor forbidden network name was given, or call is active11 invalid password was given12 SIM PUK2 required to execute the AT command13 there is no network service to complete the request14 supplementary service command failed due to an unknownerror; i.e. an error that is not covered by other values15 AT interpreter does not support the operation (in case of+CLCK= when ="AB" or ="AG" or ="AC" but ¹0; incase of +CPBW= when is not given but is)16 SIM PIN2 required to execute the AT command17 alpha entry to be stored is too long18 number to be read/stored is too long19 number to be stored contains characters that are not availablein that memory22 external ME UI cannot be accessed23 network timeout24 entries cannot be stored in currently selected phone bookmemory (e.g. in missed calls list)25 there is no active voice call26 link is reserved27 request is not allowed28 unknown