Nokia 6090 AT Command Set 47+CSDH Show Text Mode ParametersThis command controls whether detailed header information is shown in text modeshort message result codes. (GSM 07.05)Syntax:AT+CSDH=[] Enable or disable showing of detailedheader information.Default setting is 0.AT+CSDH? Query current setting.Response is +CSDH: .AT+CSDH=? Show supported values.Response is +CSDH:(list of supported's).Values for :0 do not show header values defined incommands +CSCA and +CSMP (,, , , and )nor , or in +CMT,+CMGL, +CMGR result codes for SMS-DELIVERs and SMS-SUBMITs in textmode; for SMS-COMMANDs in +CMGRresult code, do not show , ,, , or 1 show all the values in result codes+CSMP Set Text Mode ParametersThis command is used to select values for additional parameters needed when shortmessages are sent, or stored. The parameters are only used in SMS text mode. Thevalues of these parameters may change also when +CRES is actioned. TA acceptsonly valid SMS-SUBMIT and SMS-DELIVER values in . (GSM 07.05)Syntax:AT+CSMP=[[, [,[, ]]]]Set parameter values. Default setting is17,167,0,0.AT+CSMP? Current setting query. Response is+CSMP: , ,, .AT+CSMP=? OKParameters: depending on the command or result code: first octet of SMS-DELIVER, SMS-SUBMIT (default 17), or SMS-STATUS-REPORT ininteger format. depending on SMS-SUBMIT setting: validity period either in integerformat (default 167) or in time-string format. protocol identifier in integer format (default 0). SMS Data Coding Scheme (default 0).
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