Nokia 6090 AT Command Set 49+CSSN Supplementary Service NotificationsControls presentation of +CSSI intermediate result code and +CSSU unsolicitedresult code. (GSM 07.07.)Syntax:AT+CSSN=[[,]] Default option is 0, 0.AT+CSSN? Query current setting.Response is +CSSN: ,AT+CSSN=? Show supported values.Response is +CSSN: (list of supported's), (list of supported 's)Parameters:: parameter sets/shows the +CSSI resultcode presentation status in the TA:0 disable1 enable: parameter sets/shows the +CSSU resultcode presentation status in the TA:0 disable1 enable+CSTA Select Type of AddressDial command D uses always this setting except when dial string includesinternational access code character (+). In this case type of address sent to thenetwork defaults to 145 (international/telephony). (GSM 07.07)Syntax:AT+CSTA=[] Select type. Default option is 129.AT+CSTA? Query current setting.Response is +CSTA: AT+CSTA=? Show supported types.Response is +CSTA:(list of supported's).Parameters:: type of address octet in integer format(refer GSM 04.08 )129 ISDN / telephony numbering plan, national/ international unknown145 ISDN / telephony numbering plan,international number includes internationalaccess code character "+"