H OTS POT GATEWAY106 System AdministrationEnabling the Meeting Room Scheduler {Meeting Room Scheduler}The MRS allows hotel desk clerks to schedule and reserve conference rooms onbehalf of their hotel guests and generate the necessary invoices in advance. Hotel deskclerks can now effectively schedule meetings and collect payments directly.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on Configuration, then MeetingRoom Scheduler. The Meeting Room Scheduler screen appears:2. Click on the check box for Meeting Room Scheduler to enable this feature.3. In the MRS XML IP field, enter the IP address of the machine that will processXML commands for the Meeting Room Scheduler (MRS) application.4. Click on the Submit button to save your changes, or click on the Reset button ifyou want to reset all the values to their previous state.For detailed information about installing, configuring, and using theNOMADIX™ Meeting Room Scheduler application, refer to the followingdocumentation:z Meeting Room Scheduler User’s Guide (P/N 200-1007-001)5. Click on the Submit button to save your changes, or click on the Reset button ifyou want to reset all the values to their previous state.The Meeting Room Scheduler is an optional standalone applicationdelivered on CD-ROM.