H OTS POT GATEWAYSystem Administration 135Setting Up URL Filtering {URL Filtering}The HSG can restrict access to specified Web sites based on URLs defined by thesystem administrator. URL filtering will block access to a list of sites and/or domainsentered by the administrator using the following three methods:z Host IP address (for example, Host DNS name (for example, www.yahoo.com)z DNS domain name (for example, *.yahoo.com, meaning all sites under theyahoo.com hierarchy, such as finance.yahoo.com, sports.yahoo.com, etc.).The system administrator can dynamically add or remove specific IP addresses anddomain names to be filtered for each property.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on Configuration, then URLFiltering. The URL Filtering Address Settings screen appears:2. If you want to enable this feature, click on the check box for URL Filtering.3. Click on the Submit button to save your setting.4. If URL Filtering is enabled, you can add (or remove) up to 300 addresses in theIP/DNS Name field. After entering the address you want to add, simply click onthe Add button (the address will be added to the displayed list). Add or removeaddresses, as required.