H OTS POT GATEWAY218 System AdministrationEnabling the Bridge Mode Option {Bridge Mode}Bridge Mode allows complete and unconditional access to devices on the subscriberside of the HSG. When the Bridge Mode option is enabled, the HSG is effectivelytransparent to the network in which it is located, allowing clusters of switches(especially Cisco Systems switch clusters) to be managed using the STP (SpanningTree Protocol), or any other algorithm/protocol. The HSG forwards any and allpackets (except those addressed to the HSG network interface). The packets areunmodified and can be forwarded in both directions. This is a very useful featurewhen troubleshooting your entire network as it allows administrators to effectively“remove” the HSG from the network without physically disconnecting the unit.You can still manage the HSG when Bridge Mode is enabled, but you have no otherfunctionality. If you enable the Bridge Mode option and then plug the HSG into anetwork, all you need to do is assign it routable IP addresses. You can then set up allother features and disable the Bridge Mode option whenever you want to start usingthe HSG in that network.This procedure shows you how to enable the Bridge Mode option.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on System, then Bridge Mode.The Bridge Mode (Passthrough) Settings screen appears:2. Click on the check box for Bridge Mode to enable this feature.3. Click on the Submit button to save your changes, or click on the Reset button ifyou want to reset the “Enable” option to its previous state.The HSG will be rebooted if this setting is changed.