H OTS POT GATEWAY306 TroubleshootingManagement Interface Error MessagesThe following table contains the error messages associated with the ManagementInterface (CLI and Web). All messages are listed alphabetically..Error Message CauseAAA must be enabled before adding asubscriber to the profile database.You are attempting to add a subscriberprofile while AAA is disabled.Command not available “xx” The system does not recognize yourcommand (“xx” denotes your input).Current settings were not archived. This message is displayed if you answer“no” when prompted to overwrite theconfiguration archive file with new settings.Current settings were not changed. This is either a response to your decisionnot to change settings, or the message isgenerated by the system when it fails tolocate the data it needs.Error loading factory settings. The system cannot find the defaultconfiguration file when attempting torestore the factory settings.Error occurred, ARP entry not added. The IP or MAC address is invalid. Ensurethat you input the correct format for thesefields.NFS client support not included. This message is displayed when thesystem reboots and NFS clients are notsupported.No matching MAC address found in profiledatabase.The system could not match the MACaddress you defined while attempting toremove a subscriber profile.[not defined] This is the factory default for some systemparameters.The system must be reset to functionproperly.The system must be rebooted to functionproperly!You have made changes to the system’sconfiguration that requires you to rebootbefore your changes become effective.