H OTS POT GATEWAYSystem Administration 59Using an SNMP ManagerOnce the SNMP communities are established, you can connect to the HSG via theInternet using an SNMP client manager (for example, HP OpenView). SNMP is thestandard protocol used in the Network Management (NM) system. This systemcontains two primary elements:z Manager – The console (client) through which system administratorsperform network management functions.z Agent – An SNMP-compliant device which stores data about itself in aManagement Information Base (MIB). The HSG is an example of such adevice.The HSG contains managed objects that directly relate to its current operational state.These objects include hardware configuration parameters and performance statistics.Managed objects are arranged into a virtual information database, called aManagement Information Base (MIB). SNMP enables managers and agents tocommunicate with each other for the purpose of accessing these MIBs and retrievingdata. See also, “Installing the Nomadix Private MIB” on page 56.The following example shows a (partial) SNMP screen response.Using a Telnet ClientThere are many Telnet clients that you can use to connect with the HSG. Using Telnetprovides a simple terminal emulation that allows you to see and interact with theHSG’s Command Line Interface (as if you were connected via the serial interface).As with any remote connection, the network interface IP address for the HSG must beestablished (you did this during the installation process).