H OTS POT GATEWAY26 IntroductionOnline Help (WebHelp)The HSG incorporates an online Help system called “WebHelp” which is accessiblethrough the Web Management Interface (when a remote Internet connection isestablished following a successful installation). WebHelp can be viewed on anyplatform (for example, Windows, Macintosh, or UNIX-based platforms) using eitherInternet Explorer or Netscape Navigator (see note).WebHelp is useful when you have an Internet connection to the HSG and you want toaccess information quickly and efficiently. It contains all the information you will findin this User’s Guide.For more information about WebHelp and other online documentation resources, goto “Online Documentation and Help” on page 39.LED I NDICATORSACT/LINK and 10/100 for each Ethernet portPowerN ETWORK M ANAGEMENTMulti-Level Administration ControlsAccess Control ListsWeb Administration UISNMPXML APICLI via Telnet and Serial PortWebHelp is best viewed using Internet Explorer, version 4.0 or higher.Specifications