H OTS POT GATEWAYSystem Administration 187Setting Up an X over Y Billing Plan1. If required, click on the Enable check box to enable (make active) this billingplan.2. Define a “label” for this billing plan in the Label field.3. Enter a description for this billing plan in the Description of Service field.4. Enter the cost the plan in the Plan Cost field.5. Enter a duration value for this plan in the Plan Duration (X) field.6. Define the “time unit” for the duraction value you entered in Step 5. The timeunit can be defined as either Minute, Hour, or Day.7. Enter plan validity value for this plan in the Plan Validity (Y) field.8. Define the “time unit” for the plan validity value you entered in Step 7. The timeunit can be defined as either Day, Week, or Month.9. Define the Up (to network) and Down (to subscribers) bandwidth range for thisbilling plan.10. Define the DHCP Pool (public or private) -- see following note.11. Click on the Submit this Plan button to save your changes and establish thisbilling plan. Alternatively, you can click on the Delete this Plan button if youwant to delete this plan, or click on the Reset button if you want to reset all thevalues to their previous state.12. Click on the Back button at any time to return to the Internal Billing OptionsSetup (previous) screen.Each plan must have a unique label, different from other plans.The “public” option requires IP Upsell to be turned on, otherwisesubscribers will receive private IP addresses.