H OTS POT GATEWAY268 Quick Reference GuideDefault (Factory) Configuration SettingsThe following table shows a partial listing of the HSG’s primary default configurationsettings (the settings established at manufacturing). For a complete listing of thefactory default settings, refer to the factory.txt file. For more information, go to“Importing the Factory Defaults {Factory}” on page 220.Function Default SettingVersionHSG IDNetwork Interface MACSubscriber Interface MACHSG v1.3.xxx (depends on firmware version)hsgMAC address is unique for each productMAC address is unique for each productNetwork Interface IPSubscriber IPSubnet MaskDefault Gateway IPDHCP ClientAdmin IP10.0.0.1010.0.0.11255. NamePrimary DNSSecondary DNSTertiary DNSnomadix.hsg0. RelayExternal DHCP Server IPDHCP Relay Agent IPDHCP ServerDHCP Server IPDHCP Subnet MaskDHCP Pool Start IPDHCP Pool End IPLease Duration MinutesDisabled0. Page RedirectionParameter PassingRedirection Frequency MinutesDisabledDisabled3600Dynamic Address Translation (DAT) Enabled (cannot be changed)