H OTS POT GATEWAY10 IntroductionBridge ModeThis feature allows complete and unconditional access to devices. When Bridge Modeis enabled, your NSE-powered product is effectively transparent to the network inwhich it is located.The NSE forwards any and all packets (except those addressed to the NSE networkinterface). The packets are unmodified and can be forwarded in both directions. TheBridge Mode function is a very useful feature when troubleshooting your entirenetwork as it allows administrators to effectively “remove” your product from thenetwork without physically disconnecting the unit.Command Line InterfaceThe Command Line Interface (CLI) is a character-based user interface that can beaccessed remotely or via a direct cable connection. Until your Nomadix product is upand running on the network, the CLI is the Network Administrator’s window to thesystem. Software upgrades can only be performed from the CLI.See also:z “The Management Interfaces (CLI and Web)” on page 35.Dynamic Address Translation™Dynamic Address Translation (DAT) enables transparent broadband networkconnectivity, covering all types of IP configurations (static IP, DHCP, DNS),regardless of the platform or the operating system used—ensuring that everyone getsaccess to the network without the need for changes to their computer’s configurationsettings or client-side software. The NSE supports both PPTP and IPSec VPNs in amanner that is transparent to the user and that provides a more secure standardconnection. See also, “Transparent Connectivity” on page 5.Dynamic Transparent ProxyThe NSE directs all HTTP and HTTPS proxy requests through an internal proxywhich is transparent to subscribers (no need for users to perform any reconfigurationtasks). Uniquely, the NSE also supports clients that dynamically change their browserstatus from non-proxy to proxy, or vice versa. In addition, the NSE supports proxyports 80, 800-900, 911 and 990 as well as all unassigned ports (for example, portsabove 1024), thus ensuring far fewer proxy related support calls than competitiveproducts.