Overview 15Step Description CheckStage 2: Configure the CS 1000 system and CallPilot server.3 Configure the CS 1000 system. Use the "Switchconfiguration worksheet" that you completed in the CallPilotInstallation and Configuration Task List. For configurationinstructions, see "CS 1000 configuration checklist" (page53).4 Run the Configuration Wizard and configure the CallPilotserver. Use the "Configuration Wizard worksheet" that youcompleted in the CallPilot Installation and ConfigurationTask List. For configuration instructions, see "Running theConfiguration Wizard" (page 91).5 Change the pcAnywhere password or set the RemoteDesktop Policy.• If you are using pcAnywhere, continue to "ChangingpcAnywhere caller passwords" (page 94).Note: pcAnywhere is not supported on the CallPilot 201isystem. Continue to "Setting Remote Desktop Policy ona Server" (page 95).• If you are using Remote Desktop Connection, continueto "Setting Remote Desktop Policy on a Server" (page95).Stage 3: Test CallPilot connectivity.Note: For instructions, see Chapter 6 "Testing the CallPilotinstallation" (page 107).6 Check the CallPilot system-ready indicators to see ifCallPilot is ready to accept calls.7 Test the connection to the ELAN subnet, if applicable.8 Test the connection to the Nortel Server Subnet (NSSubnet).9 Verify that CallPilot answers when you dial the VoiceMessaging DN.Stage 4: Test the CallPilot services and channels.Note: For instructions, see Chapter 6 "Testing the CallPilotinstallation" (page 107).10 Check the system-ready indicators.Nortel CallPilotCommunication Server 1000 and CallPilot Server ConfigurationNN44200-312 01.02 Standard5.0 3 May 2007Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks.