Printing from a PC- 176 -3 Click [Detail Settings].4 Select the [Job Options] tab.5 Select [PCL] in [Print Mode].6 Select the [Extend] tab.7 Click [Overlays].8 Select [Overlay Print], and then select the form file to overlay from the drop-down list.Click [Edit list] and add it to the list if you want to add a form file registered with the Configuration Tool or if youwant to overlay multiple forms as a group.If you want to add a form file registered with the Configuration Tool, click [Add a registered form...], input the formname in [Form Name] and the ID of the form registered with the Configuration Tool in [ID], select the page ontowhich you want to apply that overlay in [Print on Pages], and click [OK].9 Click [OK].10 Specify other settings as necessary, and click [OK].11 Click [Print] in the [Print] screen.For the Windows PS printer driver To perform this procedure, you will have to login to the PC as a user with administrator privileges.1 Open "Printers Folder".How to open the printer folder(P.145)2 Right-click on the PS printer icon, and select [Printing Preferences].3 Click [Overlays] of the [Job Options] tab.4 Select [Use Overlays] from the pull-down menu, and click [New].5 Input the form name registered with the Configuration Tool in [Form Name], and click [Add].Registering forms (form overlay)(P.275)6 In [Overlay Name], input an overlay name.7 Select the page onto which you want to apply that overlay in [Print on Pages].8 Click [OK].9 Select the overlay to be used for printing from [Defined Overlays], and click [Add].10 Click [OK].11 Specify other settings as necessary, and click [OK].12 Open the file to be printed.13 Select [Print] from the [File] menu.14 Click [Print] in the [Print] screen.Outputting to a file without printing on paperYou can export print data to a file and save it without printing on paper. To perform this procedure, you will have to login to the PC as a user with administrator privileges.