- 125 -8.86 ^LL LABEL LENGTHFormat: ^LLyy = Label length203-dpi printer: LE84080 to 12000 dots (10.0 mm to 1500.0 mm)300-dpi printer: LE850118 to 17700 dots (10.0 mm to 1500.0 mm)Default: "LABEL LENGTH" in the Z-MODE parameterWhen omitted: Default: "LABEL LENGTH" in the Z-MODE parameter*1 While the individual position and size vary depending on whether the ^MU/^JM command is placedbefore or after ^FO/^FT/^LH/^LS/^LL/^PW or other command with Zebra, the position and the sizevary per label with Oki Data.*2 When "LABEL SIZE" in the Z-MODE parameter is set to ‘DISABLE,’ this command is ignored andthe value set in the Z-MODE parameter is used.*3 While the paper length specified in this command becomes the printable area with Zebra, theprintable area with Oki Data is 2 mm shorter than the paper length specified in this command.*4 Even when the automatic normal rotation waiting function is on, normal rotation waiting is notperformed with printing operation if the label length is set to 20 mm or shorter in this command.If the label length is reset to 20 mm or longer, normal rotation waiting is not performed with printingoperation and overlapped printing may occur.*5 If a value out of the range such as 0 and 100000 is entered, it is corrected to theminimum/maximum value within the settable range.*6: The recommended length is as follows:10.0 mm to 177.8 mm (7 inches)