- 22 -5.13 SELECTION OF FORMAT PREFIXSelect a number from 0 through 9 for an applicable digit by pressing the [FEED] or [RESTART] keys.Pressing the [PAUSE] key determines the value for the selected digit, then the cursor moves to the nextdigit. (After setting a value for the last digit, the format prefix takes effect and the next parameter isshown.)While the Zebra ^CC and ~CC command parameters are used as control characters for commandidentification, when the ^CC and ~CC commands are not sent to the printer, this setting is used ascontrol characters for command identification.NOTE: This is the same parameter as the “FORMAT PREFIX” provided in the system mode of theZebra printer.NOTE: Displayed characters may be different from the ones shown in the system mode of the Zebraprinter.5.14 SELECTION OF DELIMITER CHARACTERSelect a number from 0 through 9 for an applicable digit by pressing the [FEED] or [RESTART] keys.Pressing the [PAUSE] key determines the value for the selected digit, then the cursor moves to the nextdigit. (After setting a value for the last digit, the delimiter character takes effect and the next parameteris shown.)While the Zebra ^CD and ~CD command parameters are used as control characters for commandidentification, when the ^CD and ~CD commands are not sent to the printer, this setting is used ascontrol characters for command identification.NOTE: This is the same parameter as the “DELIMITER CHAR” provided in the system mode of theZebra printer.NOTE: Displayed characters may be different from the ones shown in the system mode of the Zebraprinter.FEEDRESTART01 00 to FF HEX(00-1F HEX are not supported.)EF01 00 to FF HEX(00-1F HEX are not supported.)EFFEEDRESTART