- 41 -8.9 ^BC CODE 128 BAR CODEFormat: ^BCo,h,f,g,e,mo = Font rotationN : 0°R : 90°I : 180°B : 270°When omitted: Value of ^FW* The point of origin differs depending on the coordinate designated in ^FT and ^FO.h = Bar code height (in dots)203-dpi printer: LE8401 to 800 dots300-dpi printer: LE8501 to 1200 dotsWhen omitted: Value of ^BY*1 If the value after dot-to-mm conversion exceeds 100 mm, it is corrected to 100 mm.*2 If 0, a string, or other value is selected, it is corrected to 10 dots.f = Print interpretation lineY : PrintedN : Not printedWhen omitted: Yg = Print interpretation line above codeY : PrintedN : Not printedWhen omitted: Ne = UCC check digitY : ValidN : InvalidWhen omitted: Nm = ModeN : No mode selectedU : UCC Case ModeA : Automatic ModeD : UCC/EAN ModeWhen omitted: N*1 Mode U operation may differ from Zebra operation.When data is 9999999999999999999 and “SN data + 1INC” is selected;Oki Data: 0000000000000000000+C/DZebra : 9999999000000000000+C/DWhen data is 0000000000000000000 and “SN data - 1DEC” is selected;Oki Data: 9999999999999999999+C/DZebra: 0000000999999999999+C/D