- 30 -File name• A file name can contain up to 16 characters.If the number of characters in a file name exceeds 16, the overflowing characters arediscarded and the file is saved under the name of the first 16 characters.• When a space code (20h) exists in the file name, the characters after the space code areomitted and only the characters right before the space code make up the file name. (Notapplied to ID commands)• A space code (20h) existing before the file name characters shall be excluded.• When a backslash code (5Ch) exists in the file name, it shall be excluded from the file name.• When a DG/DY/ID command file name contains one of the following control codes, saving ordeleting operation is not performed:(01h to 09h, 0Bh, 0Eh to 10h,12h, or 14h to 1Fh) (Zebra-compliant)• When a WDF/XF/IS/XG/IM/IL/HW/HG/HY/DU/A@/CW command file name contains one of thefollowing control codes, the file is saved under the name with the characters before the controlcode:(01h or 04h)• When a DG/DY/ID/DF/XF/IS/XG/IM/IL/HW/HG/HY/DU/A@/CW command file name containsone of the following control codes, it shall be excluded from the file name:(00h, 0Ah, 0Ch, 0Dh, 11h, or 13h) (Zebra-compliant)E.g.When the number of characters in a file name exceeds the maximum:R:123456789012345678.GRF → R:1234567890123456.GRFWhen a file name starts with space codes (20h):R:□□□123456789012345678.GRF → R:1234567890123456.GRFWhen space codes (20h) exist in a file name string:R:□12345□□□67890123456.GRF → R:12345.GRF (Not applied to ID commands)Saving in Memory• When RAM/Flash ROM/USB memory becomes full while saving data, “MEMORY FULL” isdisplayed on the LCD.This message can be displayed in the selected language. For details, refer to the KeyOperation Manual.When this error occurs, pressing the RESTRAT key enables to recover from the error andcontinue the operation.(This specification differs from that of the TPCL. In the case of the TPCL, the printer cannotrecover from the error state by a depression of the RESTART key.)