- 60 -8.27 ^CI CHANGE INTERNATIONAL FONT/ENCODINGFormat: ^CIa,s1,d1,s2,d2,…a = Setting font code0 to 30 (14 to 17, 24 to 26, 29, and 30 are not supported)0 : Single Byte Encoding - U.S.A. 1 Character Set1 : Single Byte Encoding - U.S.A. 2 Character Set2 : Single Byte Encoding - U.K. Character Set3 : Single Byte Encoding - Holland Character Set4 : Single Byte Encoding - Denmark/Norway Character Set5 :Single Byte Encoding - Sweden/Finland Character Set6 : Single Byte Encoding - Germany Character Set7 : Single Byte Encoding - France 1 Character Set8 : Single Byte Encoding - France 2 Character Set9 : Single Byte Encoding - Italy Character Set10 : Single Byte Encoding - Spain Character Set11 : Single Byte Encoding - Miscellaneous Character Set12 : Single Byte Encoding - Japan(ASCII with Yen symbol) Character Set13 : Zebra Code Page 85018 to 23: Reserved27: Zebra Code Page 125228: Unicode (UTF-8 encoding) - Unicode Character SetDefault: "Character set" value in the default setting file* When an unsupported font code (14 to 17, 24 to 26, 29, 30) is selected, the printer operates with“0: Single Byte Encoding - U.S.A. 1 Character Set.”s1 = Source 1 (character output image)0 to 255d1 = Destination 1 (character input)0 to 255s2 = Source 2 (character output image)0 to 255d2 = Destination 2 (character input)0 to 255*1 The characters that can be printed with ^CI0 to ^CI13 shall be included in Code Page 850.Selecting a character which is not included in Code Page 850 results in blank.*2 14 character sets, CI0 to CI13, can be remapped with the source and destination parameters.Remapping of the other character sets is not supported.*3 The remapping for the 257th and later pairs of source and destination is invalid.*4 If the character set value is set to “Z1,” this value is considered to be invalid and the bar code isprinted with the character set “0: U.S.A. 1.*5 If an alphabet is entered first and then a number for the source value (e.g. Z65), the value isconsidered to be invalid and the same print result is generated as when “0: U.S.A. 1” is selected” isprinted.*6 To print TTF saved in USB, printing is performed with the code selected for this command.