- 174 -8.134 ^XG RECALL GRAPHICFormat: ^XGd:o.x,mx,myd = Drive where graphic is storedR : RAME : On-board Flash ROMB : USB memoryA : USB memoryWhen omitted: Checked in the following order: R -> E-> B -> Ao = File nameA file name consisting of 1 to 16 characters can be set.When omitted: UNKNOWNx = ExtensionGRF or PNGWhen omitted: GRFmx = Magnification factor on the x-direction1 to 10When omitted: 1my = Magnification factor on the y-direction1 to 10When omitted: 1*1 For the common specifications of commands used for the devices, refer to “7.2 COMMANDSUSED FOR DEVICES.”