- 96 -ES: Obtain printer statusThe following values are sent:PRINTER STATUS ERRORS: 0 00000000 00000000 WARNINGS: 0 00000000 00000000 “ERRORS” information formatERRORS: a bbbbbbbb cccccdefa : 0 No errors1 Error detectedbbbbbbbb : 00000000 fixedccccc : 00000 fixedd : 0 No errors1 Ribbon error/rewind full/Feed jam detectede : 0 No errors1 Head high temperature error detected4 Head disconnection error detectedf : 0 No errors1 Label end detected2 Ribbon end detected4 Head open detected8 Cutter error detected* For “WARNINGS” information, the fixed value ‘0’ is sent.HA: Obtain MAC address informationThe following values are sent (MAC address is the printer’s actual MAC address):MAC ADDRESS 00:80:91:34:51:AE * If a LAN board is not installed, the MAC address information shall be”00:00:00:00:00:00.”