- 151 -8.112 ^RQ QUICK WRITE EPC DATA AND PASSWORDSFormat: ^RQf,c,o[data]f = FormatA :ASCIIH :HEXE :EPCWhen omitted: Hc = Chip type (unsupported)* This parameter is ignored.o = Option (unsupported)* This parameter is ignored.[data] = EPC data, access password, kill passwordFormat: ^FD[EPC],[access],[kill]* Can be used for EPC Class 1 Generation 2 tagsE.g. EPC data : 112233445566778899001122Access password : AAAAAAAAKill password : BBBBBBBBIn the case the above is to be written;^XA^RQ^FD112233445566778899001122,AAAAAAAA,BBBBBBBB^XZ*1 Enabled only when the U2 module is installed.