Parameter Selection (for SDN)Specifies the delayed ringing setting for calls arriving at an SDN button.The value specified here is only used when System Wireless—SDN Delayed Ringing with LCD on10.9 PBX Configuration—[2-9] System—System Options is set to "Enable".Value RangeImmediate, 1 Ring, 2 Rings, 3 Rings, 4 Rings, 5 Rings, 6 Rings, No RingPC Programming Manual References10.9 PBX Configuration—[2-9] System—System Options—Option 4— System Wireless—SDN DelayedRinging with LCDFeature Guide References2.9.1 Primary Directory Number (PDN)/Secondary Directory Number (SDN) ExtensionExtension Number (for DSS)Specifies the number of an extension to be accessed.Value RangeMax. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)Extension Number (for ICD Group)Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group to be accessed.Value RangeMax. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)Extension Number (for Message Waiting)Specifies the number of an extension or floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group forwhich messages are checked. If this cell is left empty, the PS will check its own messages only.Value RangeMax. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)Extension Number (for Group Fwd (Both))Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group or the extension number to setFWD remotely whose intercom and trunk calls will be forwarded.Value RangeMax. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)Feature Guide References2.3.1 Call Forwarding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND)—SUMMARY2.3.2 Call Forwarding (FWD)PC Programming Manual 62512.2.3 PBX Configuration—[4-2-3] Extension—Portable Station—Flexible Button