3–Interactive CommandsFCoE Menu (Command Line Option -cna)SN0054614-00 K 3-113----------------------------DCBX Enable : EnabledWilling : EnabledPort Pause Type : Per Priority PauseSAN Priority COS : 3----------------------------ETS----------------------------Priority Txt Mode : BandwidthSAN Bandwidth Percent : 50SAN Unused Bw To LAN : EnabledLAN Unused Bw To SAN : DisabledTable 3-13 provides descriptions of the DCBX and enhanced transmissionselection (ETS) settings shown in the preceding example.Table 3-13. DCBX and ETS Configuration ParametersParameter DescriptionDCBX Enable When DCBX is enabled, the switch connected to the host over this adapterport negotiates these port parameter settings. You cannot disable DCBX.Willing This read-only parameter is from the switch. You cannot disable Willing.Port Pause Type Specifies the default port pause type as either Standard or Per Prior-ity Pause. Pause is a frame that controls the flow between transmitterand receiver, when the transmitter sends data at a higher rate than thereceiver. In such situations, the receiver sends a PAUSE frame to thetransmitter and the transmitter suspends transmission for the specifiedtime. Standard applies to all the frames. Standard pause is enabled bydefault on the server facing Ethernet ports as well as the network facingEthernet ports. This setting affects the connection only when connectedto a peer that is not configured with DCBX protocol. Per Priority Pause enables you to manage pauses in trafficaccording to assigned priorities to CoS frames (for example, on aper-flow basis). Priority flow control applies to servers with a singleadapter interface, which could carry traffic for LAN, SAN, and IPC. Inthis case, SAN traffic is marked with specific COS to identify it as a dis-tinct flow among other flows (LAN or IPC); you can apply a pause to thisspecific COS to assure loss-less SAN frames. When connected to aDCBX-enabled peer, the pause type is automatically set with per-prior-ity pause when the peer sends a priority flow control time length value,regardless of this parameter setting.