1–Installation and RemovalInstalling SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLISN0054614-00 K 1-17/opt/QLogic_Corporation/SANsurferCLI/libs/libqlsdm.so/opt/QLogic_Corporation/SANsurferCLI/menu.properties/opt/QLogic_Corporation/SANsurferCLI/nvramdefs/default/nvram22.dat/opt/QLogic_Corporation/SANsurferCLI/nvramdefs/default/nvram23.dat. . .Installation of was successful.Solaris x86 9 and 10 InstallationFollow these steps to install SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI on a Solaris x86 9 or 10operating system.To install SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI on Solaris x86 9 or 10:1. From the QLogic Web site or the SANsurfer for FC and FCoE AdaptersCD-ROM, download to a temporary directory (for example, /tmp) on yourmachine the following file:scli-x.xx.xx-xx.x86.Solaris.pkg2. To decompress the file, type the following:# uncompress scli-x.xx.xx-xx.x86.Solaris.pkg3. To see the available package file, type the following:# lsThe available packages appear. For example:# scli.x.xx.xx-xx.SPARC-X86.Solaris.pkg4. To install SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI, type the following:# pkgadd -d scli-x.xx.xx-xx.SPARC-X86.Solaris.pkg5. You are prompted to select a package. For example:The following packages are available:1 QLSclix QLogic SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI (HBA ConfigurationUtility)(i386) x.xx.xx Build xxNOTE:In the file name, x.xx.xx-xx stands for the current version ofSANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI. The -xx stands for the build version.