Printing_ 151Using special print featuresSpecial print features include:• "Printing multiple pages on one sheet of paper" on page 151.• "Printing posters" on page 151.• "Printing booklets" on page 151.• "Printing on both sides of the paper" on page 152.• "Change the size by percentage of your document" on page 152.• "Fitting your document to a selected paper size" on page 152.• "Using watermarks" on page 152.• "Using overlay" on page 153.Printing multiple pages on one sheet of paperYou can select the number of pages to print on a single sheet of paper. Toprint more than one page per sheet, the pages will be reduced in size andarranged in the order you specify. You can print up to 16 pages on onesheet.1. To change the print settings from your software application, accessPrinting Preferences (see "Opening printing preferences" onpage 140).2. Click the Basic tab, select Multiple Pages per Side in the Typedrop-down list.3. Select Page Border to print a border around each page on the sheet.4. Select the number of pages you want to print per sheet(2, 4, 6, 9, or 16) in the Pages per Side drop-down list.5. Select the page order from the Page Order drop-down list, if necessary.6. Click the Paper tab, select the Original size, Source, and Type.7. Click OK or Print until you exit the Print window.Printing postersThis feature allows you to print a single-page document onto 4, 9, or 16sheets of paper, for the purpose of pasting the sheets together to form oneposter-size document.1. To change the print settings from your software application, accessPrinting Preferences (see "Opening printing preferences" onpage 140).2. Click the Basic tab, select Poster Printing in the Type drop-down list.3. Select the page layout you want.Specification of the page layout:• Poster 2x2: Document will be enlarged and be divided into 4 pages.• Poster 3x3: Document will be enlarged and be divided into 9 pages.• Poster 4x4: Document will be enlarged and be divided into 16pages.4. Select the Poster Overlap value. Specify Poster Overlap in millimetersor inches by selecting the radio button on the upper right of Basic tab tomake it easier to paste the sheets together.5. Click the Paper tab, select the Original size, Source, and Type.6. Click OK or Print until you exit the Print window.7. You can complete the poster by pasting the sheets together.Printing bookletsThis feature prints your document on both sides of a paper and arranges thepages so that the paper can be folded in half after printing to produce abooklet.• If you print using the Fold or Fold and Staple option with thebooklet finisher, you can only load the paper by short edge feedingin trays.• If you want to make a booklet, you need to print on Letter, Legal,A4, JIS B5, Statement, Executive, A5, 8K, 16K, Ledger, TabloidExtra, A3 or JIS B4 sized print media.1. To change the print settings from your software application, access thePrinting Preferences (see "Opening printing preferences" onpage 140).2. Click the Basic tab, select Booklet Printing from the Type drop-downlist.3. Select Fold Method type. If you print a document containing manypages, select Divided Into Sets, you can divide the output booklet intomultiple batches.The maximum sheet in a batch is 15 sheets.For example, if you copy 80 pages of a document, and set the number to10.- First batch: 1~40 pages (10 sheets)- Second batch: 41~80 pages (10 sheets)4. Click the Advanced button. Then select the option you want.• Folding Options: You can use this option when a optioanl bookletfinisher is installed.When you select Fold or Fold and Staple, Booklet Tray isavailable only in Output Tray Options (see "Output TrayOptions" on page 145). However, a batch of more than 15sheets is not printed out to the booklet tray, but to the finishingtray.- None: Disables this feature.- Fold: This option allows you to fold the center of booklet.- Fold and Staple: This option allows you to staple and fold thecenter of booklet.• Gutter: This option allows you to shift the images to create a centermargin for the booklet.• Right Binding: This option allows you to select page reading orderright to left.5. Click the Paper tab, select the Original size, Source, and Type.The Booklet Printing option is not available for all paper sizes. Inorder to find out the available paper size for this feature, select theavailable paper size in the Original size option on the Paper tab.If you select an unavailable paper size, this option can beautomatically canceled. Select only available paper. (paper without