Troubleshooting_ 242(Continued) Themachine does notprint.The document sizeis so big that thehard disk space ofthe computer isinsufficient toaccess the print job.Get more hard disk spaceand print the documentagain.The machineselects printmaterials fromthe wrong papersource.The paper optionthat was selected inthe PrintingPreferences maybe incorrect.For many softwareapplications, the papersource selection is foundunder the Paper tab withinthe Printing Preferences.Select the correct papersource. See the printerdriver help screen (see"Opening printingpreferences" on page 140).A print job isextremely slow.The job may bevery complex.Reduce the complexity ofthe page or try adjusting theprint quality settings.Half the page isblank.The pageorientation settingmay be incorrect.Change the page orientationin your application. See theprinter driver help screen.The paper size andthe paper sizesettings do notmatch.Ensure that the paper size inthe printer driver settingsmatches the paper in thetray.Or, ensure that the papersize in the printer driversettings matches the paperselection in the softwareapplication settings you use.The machineprints, but thetext is wrong,garbled, orincomplete.The machine cableis loose ordefective.Disconnect the machinecable and reconnect. Try aprint job that you havealready printed successfully.If possible, attach the cableand the machine to anothercomputer that you knowworks and try a print job.Finally, try a new machinecable.The wrong printerdriver was selected.Check the application’sprinter selection menu toensure that your machine isselected.The softwareapplication ismalfunctioning.Try printing a job fromanother application.The operatingsystem ismalfunctioning.Exit Windows and reboot thecomputer. Turn the machineoff and back on again.If you are in a DOSenvironment, thefont setting for yourmachine may beset incorrectly.Change the languagesetting.Condition Possible cause Suggested solutionsPages print, butthey are blank.The toner cartridgeis defective or out oftoner.Redistribute the toner, ifnecessary.If necessary, replace thetoner cartridge.The file may haveblank pages.Check the file to ensure thatit does not contain blankpages.Some parts, suchas the controller orthe board, may bedefective.Contact a servicerepresentative.The machinedoes not printPDF file correctly.Some parts ofgraphics, text, orillustrations aremissing.Incompatibilitybetween the PDFfile and the Acrobatproducts.Printing the PDF file as animage may enable the file toprint. Turn on Print AsImage from the Acrobatprinting options.It will take longer toprint when you print aPDF file as an image.The print qualityof photos is notgood. Images arenot clear.The resolution ofthe photo is verylow.Reduce the photo size. Ifyou increase the photo sizein the software application,the resolution will bereduced.Before printing,the machineemits vapor nearthe output tray.Using damp papercan cause vaporduring printing.This is not a problem. Justkeep printing.The machinedoes not printspecial- sizedpaper, such asbilling paper.Paper size andpaper size settingdo not match.Set the correct paper size inthe Custom Paper List inthe Paper tab in thePrinting Preferences (see"Paper tab" on page 142).Condition Possible cause Suggested solutions