6 Related Drive Parameters26 YASKAWA SIEP C730600 89E PROFINET Technical ManualNo.(Hex.) Name Description Default(Range)b1-01(0180)Frequency ReferenceSelection 1 Selects the input method for frequency reference.0 : Keypad1 : Analog Input2 : Memobus/Modbus Communications3 : Option4 : Pulse Train InputNote:• Set b1-02 = 3 to use the master device and serial communications to start and stop the drive.Set b1-01 = 3 to use the master device to control the frequency reference of the drive.• The default setting is different for different drives. Refer to the instruction manual of yourspecific drive for more information.1(0 - 4)b1-02(0181)Run Command Selection 1 Selects the input method for the Run command.0 : Keypad1 : Digital Input2 : Memobus/Modbus Communications3 : Option7 : AUTO Command + Term Run8 : AUTO Command + Serial Run9 : AUTO Command + Option RunNote:• Set b1-02 = 3 to start and stop the drive with the master device using serial communications.Set b1-01 = 3 to use the master device to control the frequency reference of the drive.• Settings 7 to 9 are available in HV600 software versions PRG: 1011 and later.1(0 - 9)F6-01(03A2)Communication ErrorSelection Selects drive response when the drive detects a bUS error during communications with the option.0 : Ramp to Stop1 : Coast to Stop2 : Fast Stop (Use C1-09)3 : Alarm Only4 : Alarm - Run at d1-045 : Alarm - Ramp StopNote:• When you set this parameter to 3 [Alarm only] or 4 [Alarm - run at d1-04], the drive willcontinue operation after it detects a fault. Separately prepare safety protection equipmentand systems, for example emergency switches.• Refer to the drive manual to know if settings 4 and 5 are available. This setting is availablein A1000 software versions PRG: 1021 and later.• The setting range for 1000-Series drives is different for different software versions. Refer tothe Peripheral Devices & Options section of the drive instruction manual for moreinformation.1(0 - 5)F6-02(03A3)Comm External Fault[EF0] Detect Selects the condition for external fault detection [EF0].0 : Always detected1 : Detection during run only0(0, 1)F6-03(03A4)Comm External Fault[EF0] SelectSelects drive response when the drive detects an external fault input [EF0] during optioncommunications.0 : Ramp to Stop1 : Coast to Stop2 : Fast Stop (Use C1-09)3 : Alarm OnlyNote:When you set this parameter to 3 [Alarm Only], the drive will continue operation after itdetects a fault. Separately prepare safety protection equipment and systems, for example faststop switches.1(0 - 3)F6-06(03A7)Torque Reference/Limit byComm Selects whether to enable or disable the torque reference and torque limit received from thecommunication option.0 : Disabled1 : EnabledNote:• Control method availability of this parameter is different for different product series.–1000-SeriesParameter is available in A1-02 = 3, 6, 7 [Control Method Selection = Closed Loop Vector,PM Advanced Open Loop Vector, PM Closed Loop Vector].Enabling this parameter allows d5-01 [Torque Control Selection] to determine whether thevalue is read as the Torque Limit value or the Torque Reference value.d5-01 = 0 [Speed Control]: Torque Limitd5-01 = 1 [Torque Control]: Torque ReferenceIn A1-02 = 6 [Control Method Selection = PM Advanced Open Loop Vector], this value isread as the Torque Limit.–GA500Parameter is available in A1-02 = 2, 6, 8 [Control Method Selection = Open Loop Vector,PM Advanced Open Loop Vector, EZ Vector Control]. This value is read as the TorqueLimit.–GA700, GA800Parameter is available in A1-02 = 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 [Control Method Selection = Open LoopVector, Closed Loop Vector, Advanced Open Loop Vector, PM Advanced Open Loop Vector,PM Closed Loop Vector, EZ Vector Control].Enabling this parameter allows d5-01 [Torque Control Selection] to determine whether thevalue is read as the Torque Limit value or the Torque Reference value.d5-01 = 0 [Speed Control]: Torque Limitd5-01 = 1 [Torque Control]: Torque Reference0(0, 1)