CRANKSHAFT AND CYLINDER BODY5-29EPOWRCHECKING THE CYLINDER BODY1. Check:• Cylinder inner surfaceScore mark → Repair/replace.(use #600 – 800 grit wet sandpaper)• Water jacketMineral deposits/rust/corrosion →Clean/replace.CAUTION:Do not scratch the contacting surfaces ofthe crankcase and cylinder head.2. Check:• Exhaust passageCracks/damage → Replace.Carbon deposits → Clean.(use a round scraper)CAUTION:Do not scratch the contacting surfaces ofthe cylinder and exhaust cover.3. Measure:• Cylinder bore “D”(use a cylinder gauge)Out of specification → Rebore/replace.NOTE:Measure the cylinder bore diameter at threepositions for both D1 and D2. Then, aver-age the measurement.D 1D 2 Cylinder gauge90890-06759