CONTROL SYSTEM3-6ECHKADJ2. Adjustment with full-open throttle:• Magnet base stopperCAUTION:• Make sure that engine is not running.• Remove the plug caps.Adjustment steps(1) Set the shift lever in forward posi-tion.(2) Move the throttle to full-open posi-tion.(3) Slowly turn the flywheel clockwise toalign the full advanced timing markwith the specified position on the tim-ing indicator.(4) Turn the magnet base until the tim-ing mark stamped on the port sidecomes in line with the ignition markon the rotor.(5) Check that the magnet base stopperis in contact with the stopper on theengine body (full-open end stopper) .54Ignition timing (at full advance)BTDC 22° ± 2°123ab45