IGNITION SYSTEM– +ELEC8-9ECHECKING THE PULSER COIL1. Measure:• Pulser coil resistanceOut of specification → Check the peakvoltage.Measuring steps(1) Disconnect the White/Red (W/R), White/Black (W/B) and Black (B) leads from thewire harness.(2) Connect the tester to the pulser coil asshown.2. Measure:• Pulser coil output peak voltageBelow specification → Replace.NOTE:For the peak voltage measurement, connectthe adaptor as the illustration for theopen circuit, and as the illustration forthe closed circuit.Pulser coil resistanceW/R - B (#1), W/B - B (#2)311 - 381 ΩΩΩΩPPPPuuuullllsssseeeerrrr ccccooooilililil oooouuuuttttpupupuputttt ppppeeeeaaaakkkk vvvvoooollllttttaaaaggggeeeeWWWW////RRRR –––– BBBB ((((#1#1#1#1)))),,,, WWWW////BBBB –––– BBBB ((((#2#2#2#2))))rrrr////mmmmiiiinnnn CCCCrrrraaaannnnkkkkiiiinnnngggg 1111,,,,555500000000 3333,,,,555500000000OOOOppppeeeennnneeeedddd CCCClllloooosssseeeeddddDDDD....CCCC....VVVV.... 6666....8888 6666....7777 11116666....0000 22226666....0000AB