IGNITION SYSTEM– +ELEC8-11ECHECKING THE CDI UNIT1. Measure:• CDI unit resistanceOut of specification → Check thepeak voltage.NOTE:• Digital circuit tester cannot be used forthis check. Use analogue tester.• CDI resistance values will vary frommeter to meter, especially with elec-tronic digital meters. For some testers,polarity of leads is reversed.Measuring steps(1) Disconnect the CDI unit leads fromthe wire harness.(2) Connect the pocket tester (Ω × 1K) tothe CDI unit as shown list.Refer to "CDI UNIT" on page 8-10.NOTE:There is a point at which the pointer swingsgreatly and swings back. Read the pointwhere the point has returned to stop.Pocket tester90890-0311211