IGNITION SYSTEM8-12E– +ELEC2. Measure:• CDI unit output peak voltageBelow specification → Replace.NOTE:Before measuring CDI unit output peak volt-age, make sure that no abnormality isobserved on the charge coil and the pulsercoil.NOTE:For the peak voltage measurement, connectthe adaptor as the illustration for theopen circuit, and as the illustration forthe closed circuit.CDI unit output peak voltageB/O - B, B/W - Brrrr////mmmmiiiinnnn CCCCrrrraaaannnnkkkkiiiinnnngggg 1111,,,,555500000000 3333,,,,555500000000OOOOppppeeeennnneeeedddd CCCClllloooosssseeeeddddDDDD....CCCC....VVVV.... 5.5 130.0 135.0 135.0AB