CONTROL SYSTEMCHKADJ3-11E(6) After confirming the positive contact ofstoppers at full-open throttle position,turn the adjusting nut on the throt-tle-closing cable so that the cable has alittle slack, and then secure it by the locknut .(7) Once the adjustment under full-openthrottle is completed, move the throttleto full-close position.(8) Make sure that the magnet base stop-per is in contact with the stopper onthe engine body (full-close end stopper).(9) Move the throttle to full-open posi-tion.(10) In this condition, make sure that thefull-open stopper is in contact with thestopper.NOTE:If they are not in contact, adjust the carbu-retor control link.Refer to "Adjusting the carburetor controllink:" on page 3-7.34782342