TIGHTENING TORQUESSPEC2-12EGENERAL TORQUESThis chart specifies tightening torques forstandard fasteners with a standard ISOthread pitch. Tightening torque specifica-tions for special components or assembliesare provided in applicable sections of thismanual. To avoid warpage, tighten multi-fastener assemblies in a crisscross fashionand progressive stages until the specifiedtightening torque is reached. Unless other-wise specified, tightening torque specifica-tions require clean, dry threads.Components should be at room tempera-ture.Nut (A) Bolt (B)General torquespecificationsN • m kgf • m ft • lb8 mm M5 5 0.5 3.710 mm M6 8 0.8 5.912 mm M8 18 1.8 1314 mm M10 36 3.6 2717 mm M12 43 4.3 32BA