GENERAL3-22ECHKADJCHECKING THE SPARK PLUGS1. Check:• ElectrodesCracks/excessive wear → Replace.• Insulator colorDistinctly different color → Check theengine condition.2. Clean:• Spark plug(use a spark plug cleaner or wirebrush)3. Check:• Spark plug typeIncorrect → Replace.4. Measure:• Spark plug gapOut of specification → Replace.Color guide:Medium to light tan colorNormalWhitish color• Lean fuel mixture• Plugged jet (s)• Wrong settingBlackish color• Rich mixture• Excessive oil usage• Defective ignition system• Defective spark plugStandard spark plugNGK B7HS-10Spark plug gap0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in)121a