Black plate (36,1)Cadillac STS Owner Manual - 2011Backing UpHold the bottom of the steering wheel with one hand.Then, to move the trailer to the left, move that hand tothe left. To move the trailer to the right, move your handto the right. Always back up slowly and, if possible,have someone guide you.Making TurnsNotice: Making very sharp turns while traileringcould cause the trailer to come in contact with thevehicle. The vehicle could be damaged. Avoidmaking very sharp turns while trailering.When turning with a trailer, make wider turns thannormal. Do this so the trailer will not strike softshoulders, curbs, road signs, trees or other objects.Avoid jerky or sudden maneuvers. Signal well inadvance.Turn Signals When Towing a TrailerThe arrows on the instrument panel flash wheneversignaling a turn or lane change. Properly hooked up,the trailer lamps also flash, telling other drivers thevehicle is turning, changing lanes or stopping.When towing a trailer, the arrows on the instrumentpanel flash for turns even if the bulbs on the trailer areburned out. For this reason you may think other driversare seeing the signal when they are not. It is importantto check occasionally to be sure the trailer bulbs are stillworking.The vehicle has bulb warning lights. When a trailerlighting system is plugged into the vehicle's lightingsystem, its bulb warning lights may not let you know ifone of the lamps goes out. So, when the trailer lightingsystem is plugged in, be sure to check the vehicle andtrailer lamps from time to time to be sure they are allworking. Once the trailer lamps are disconnected, thebulb warning lights again can tell you if one of thevehicle lamps is out.5-36