Black plate (6,1)Cadillac STS Owner Manual - 2011Once Every Two Years. Vehicles using DOT 4 brake fluid only: Brake fluidreplacement.First Engine Oil Change After Every40 000 km/25,000 Miles. Passenger compartment air filter replacement(or every 24 months, whichever occurs first).More frequent replacement may be needed ifyou drive in areas with heavy traffic, areas withpoor air quality, or areas with high dust levels.Replacement may also be needed if you noticereduced air flow, windows fogging up, or odors.Your dealer can help you determine when it is theright time to replace the filter.First Engine Oil Change After Every80 000 km/50,000 Miles. Engine air cleaner filter replacement. See EngineAir Cleaner/Filter on page 6‑21.. Automatic transmission fluid and filter change(severe service) for vehicles mainly driven in heavycity traffic in hot weather, in hilly or mountainousterrain, when frequently towing a trailer, or used fortaxi, police, or delivery service. See AutomaticTransmission Fluid on page 6‑23.. All‐wheel drive only: Transfer case fluid change(severe service) for vehicles mainly driven whenfrequently towing a trailer, or used for taxi, police,or delivery service. Check vent hose at transfercase for kinks and proper installation. Check to besure vent hose is unobstructed, clear, and free ofdebris.. Evaporative control system inspection. Check allfuel and vapor lines and hoses for proper hook‐up,routing, and condition. Check that the purge valve,if the vehicle has one, works properly. Replace asneeded. An Emission Control Service. The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency or the CaliforniaAir Resources Board has determined that thefailure to perform this maintenance item will notnullify the emission warranty or limit recall liabilityprior to the completion of the vehicle's useful life.We, however, urge that all recommendedmaintenance services be performed at theindicated intervals and the maintenance berecorded.7-6