Black plate (45,1)Cadillac ELR Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-6081525) -2014 - crc - 10/8/13Vehicle Care 10-45resistance. For more informationsee Uniform Tire QualityGrading on page 10-58.(7) Maximum Cold InflationLoad Limit : Maximum loadthat can be carried and themaximum pressure needed tosupport that load.Tire DesignationsTire SizeThe following is an example of atypical passenger vehicletire size.(1) Passenger (P-Metric)Tire : The United States versionof a metric tire sizing system.The letter P as the firstcharacter in the tire size meansa passenger vehicle tireengineered to standards set bythe U.S. Tire and RimAssociation.(2) Tire Width : The three-digitnumber indicates the tire sectionwidth in millimeters fromsidewall to sidewall.(3) Aspect Ratio : A two-digitnumber that indicates the tireheight-to-width measurements.For example, if the tire sizeaspect ratio is 60, as shown initem 3 of the illustration, it wouldmean that the tire's sidewall is60 percent as high as it is wide.(4) Construction Code : Aletter code is used to indicatethe type of ply construction inthe tire. The letter R meansradial ply construction; theletter D means diagonal or biasply construction; and the letter Bmeans belted-bias plyconstruction.(5) Rim Diameter : Diameter ofthe wheel in inches.(6) Service Description :These characters represent theload index and speed rating ofthe tire. The load indexrepresents the load carryingcapacity a tire is certified tocarry. The speed rating is themaximum speed a tire iscertified to carry a load.Tire Terminology andDefinitionsAir Pressure : The amount ofair inside the tire pressingoutward on each square inch ofthe tire. Air pressure isexpressed in kPa (kilopascal)or psi (pounds per square inch).