Black plate (8,1)Cadillac ELR Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-6081525) -2014 - crc - 10/8/133-8 Seats and RestraintsTo activate the recall when On - AtIgnition On is selected in the vehiclepersonalization menu:. Place the ignition in ON/RUN/START.See Vehicle Personalization onpage 5-52.To stop recall movement, press oneof the memory, power mirror,or power seat controls; or press thepower tilt and telescoping steeringcolumn control. If On - At IgnitionOn is selected in the vehiclepersonalization menu, placing theignition in OFF also stops the recall.If something has blocked the driverseat and/or the power tilt andtelescoping steering column whilerecalling a memory position, therecall may stop. Remove theobstruction; then press and hold theappropriate manual control for thememory item that is not recalling fortwo seconds. Try recalling thememory position again by openingthe driver door and pressing K onthe RKE transmitter. If the memoryposition is still not recalling, seeyour dealer for service.Easy Exit RecallIf programmed on in the vehiclepersonalization menu, the easy exitfeature automatically moves thedriver seat, power tilt andtelescoping steering column, andoutside mirrors on some vehicles tothe memory positions previouslysaved to the B (Exit) button. See“Storing Memory Positions” listedpreviously. See also VehiclePersonalization on page 5-52.Easy exit recall automaticallyactivates when one of the followingoccurs:. The vehicle is turned off and thedriver door is opened within ashort time.. The vehicle is turned off with thedriver door open.If something has blocked the driverseat and/or power tilt andtelescoping steering column whilerecalling the exit position, the recallmay stop. Remove the obstruction;then press and hold the appropriatemanual control for the exit featurenot recalling for two seconds. Tryrecalling the exit position again.If the exit position is still notrecalling, see your dealer forservice.Heated Front Seats{ WarningIf you cannot feel temperaturechange or pain to the skin, theseat heater may cause burns. Toreduce the risk of burns, peoplewith such a condition should usecare when using the seat heater,especially for long periods oftime. Do not place anything onthe seat that insulates againstheat, such as a blanket, cushion,cover, or similar item. This maycause the seat heater to(Continued)