Black plate (7,1)Cadillac ELR Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-6081525) -2014 - crc - 10/8/13Customer Information 13-7. Towing or services for vehiclesdriven on a non-public road orhighway.Services Specific toCanadian-Purchased Vehicles. Fuel delivery: Reimbursementis up to 7 liters. Diesel fueldelivery may be restricted.Propane and other fuels are notprovided through this service.. Lock-Out Service: Vehicleregistration is required.. Trip Interruption Benefits andService: Pre-authorization,original detailed receipts, and acopy of the repair orders arerequired. Once authorization hasbeen received, the RoadsideService advisor will help youmake arrangements and explainhow to receive payment.. Alternative Service: Ifassistance cannot be providedright away, the Roadside Serviceadvisor may give you permissionto get local emergency roadservice. You will receivepayment, up to $100, aftersending the original receipt toRoadside Service. Mechanicalfailures may be covered,however any cost for parts andlabor for repairs not covered bythe warranty are the ownerresponsibility.Scheduling ServiceAppointmentsWhen the vehicle requires warrantyservice, contact your dealer andrequest an appointment. Byscheduling a service appointmentand advising the service consultantof your transportation needs, yourdealer can help minimize yourinconvenience.If the vehicle cannot be scheduledinto the service departmentimmediately, keep driving it until itcan be scheduled for service,unless, of course, the problem issafety related. If it is, please callyour dealership, let them know this,and ask for instructions.If your dealer requests you to bringthe vehicle for service, you areurged to do so as early in the workday as possible to allow forsame-day repair.Courtesy TransportationProgramTo enhance your ownershipexperience, we and our participatingdealers are proud to offer CourtesyTransportation, a customer supportprogram for vehicles with theBumper-to-Bumper (Base WarrantyCoverage period in Canada) andextended powertrain warranties inboth the U.S. and Canada.Several Courtesy Transportationoptions are available to assist inreducing inconvenience whenwarranty repairs are required.