Black plate (11,1)Cadillac ELR Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-6081525) -2014 - crc - 10/8/13Customer Information 13-11If the vehicle is damaged from acrash, flood, fire, or other event itmay be necessary to have thevehicle inspected. See Battery onpage 10-23 and High Voltage SafetyInformation on page 1-19 forimportant safety information.Managing the Vehicle DamageRepair ProcessIn the event that the vehicle requiresdamage repairs, GM recommendsthat you take an active role in itsrepair. If you have a pre-determinedrepair facility of choice, take thevehicle there, or have it towed there.Specify to the facility that anyrequired replacement collision partsbe original equipment parts, eithernew Genuine GM parts or recycledoriginal GM parts. Remember,recycled parts will not be covered bythe GM vehicle warranty.Insurance pays the bill for the repair,but you must live with the repair.Depending on your policy limits,your insurance company mayinitially value the repair usingaftermarket parts. Discuss this withthe repair professional, and insist onGenuine GM parts. Remember,if the vehicle is leased, you may beobligated to have the vehiclerepaired with Genuine GM parts,even if your insurance coveragedoes not pay the full cost.If another party's insurancecompany is paying for the repairs,you are not obligated to accept arepair valuation based on thatinsurance company's collision policyrepair limits, as you have nocontractual limits with that company.In such cases, you can have controlof the repair and parts choices aslong as the cost stays withinreasonable limits.Service PublicationsOrdering InformationService ManualsService Manuals have the diagnosisand repair information on theengine, electric drive unit, axle,suspension, brakes, electrical,steering, body, etc.Service BulletinsService Bulletins give additionaltechnical service informationneeded to knowledgeably serviceGeneral Motors cars and trucks.Each bulletin contains instructionsto assist in the diagnosis andservice of the vehicle.Owner InformationOwner publications are writtenspecifically for owners and intendedto provide basic operationalinformation about the vehicle. TheOwner Manual includes theMaintenance Schedule for allmodels.