Black plate (9,1)Cadillac ELR Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-6081525) -2014 - crc - 10/8/13Customer Information 13-9Additional ProgramInformationAll program options, such as shuttleservice, may not be available atevery dealer. Please contact yourdealer for specific information aboutavailability. All CourtesyTransportation arrangements will beadministered by appropriate dealerpersonnel.General Motors reserves the right tounilaterally modify, change,or discontinue CourtesyTransportation at any time and toresolve all questions of claimeligibility pursuant to the terms andconditions described herein at itssole discretion.Collision Damage RepairIf the vehicle is involved in acollision and it is damaged, have thedamage repaired by a qualifiedtechnician using the properequipment and quality replacementparts. Poorly performed collisionrepairs diminish the vehicle resalevalue, and safety performance canbe compromised in subsequentcollisions.Collision PartsGenuine GM Collision parts are newparts made with the same materialsand construction methods as theparts with which the vehicle wasoriginally built. Genuine GMCollision parts are the best choice toensure that the vehicle's designedappearance, durability, and safetyare preserved. The use of GenuineGM parts can help maintain the GMNew Vehicle Limited Warranty.Recycled original equipment partsmay also be used for repair. Theseparts are typically removed fromvehicles that were total losses inprior crashes. In most cases, theparts being recycled are fromundamaged sections of the vehicle.A recycled original equipment GMpart may be an acceptable choice tomaintain the vehicle's originallydesigned appearance and safetyperformance; however, the history ofthese parts is not known. Such partsare not covered by the GM NewVehicle Limited Warranty, and anyrelated failures are not covered bythat warranty.Aftermarket collision parts are alsoavailable. These are made bycompanies other than GM and maynot have been tested for the vehicle.As a result, these parts may fitpoorly, exhibit premature durability/corrosion problems, and may notperform properly in subsequentcollisions. Aftermarket parts are notcovered by the GM New VehicleLimited Warranty, and any vehiclefailure related to such parts is notcovered by that warranty.Repair FacilityGM also recommends that youchoose a collision repair facility thatmeets your needs before you everneed collision repairs. Your dealermay have a collision repair centerwith GM-trained technicians andstate-of-the-art equipment, or beable to recommend a collision repair