Instruments and Controls 107{ WarningIn freezing weather, do not usethe washer until the windshield iswarmed. Otherwise the washerfluid can form ice on thewindshield, blocking your vision.Wiper-Activated HeadlampsThis feature activates theheadlamps and parking lamps afterthe windshield wipers have been inuse for a while. The transition timefor the lamps coming on variesbased on the wiper speed. For thisfeature to work, the exterior lampcontrol must be in AUTO.The wiper-activated headlampsimmediately turn off when theignition is turned to LOCK/OFF,or the windshield wiper control isturned off.ClockThe infotainment system controlsare used to access the time anddate settings through the menusystem. See “Overview” in theinfotainment manual for informationabout how to use the menu system.Setting the TimeTo set the time:1. Press the SETTINGS screenbutton and press Timeand Date.2. Press Set Time and press + or− to increase or decreasehours, minutes, and AM or PM.Press 12Hr or 24Hr for 12 or24 hour clock.3. Press } to go back to theprevious menu.If auto timing is set, the timedisplayed on the clock may notupdate immediately when drivinginto a new time zone.To set the date:1. Press the SETTINGS screenbutton and press Timeand Date.2. Press Set Date and press + or− to increase or decreasemonth, day, or year.3. Press } to go back to theprevious menu.To set the clock display:1. Press the SETTINGS screenbutton and press Timeand Date.2. Press Clock Display and pressOFF or ON to turn the clockdisplay off or on.3. Press } to go back to theprevious menu.Power OutletsPower Outlets 12 Volt DirectCurrentAccessory power outlets can beused to plug in electrical equipment,such as a cell phone or MP3 player.The vehicle has three 12-voltaccessory power outlets on thecenter console:. Inside the center consolestorage in front of the armrestcover.. Inside the storage area underthe armrest cover.