Seats and Restraints 89Warning (Continued)Even if the passenger sensingsystem has turned off the frontpassenger frontal airbag, nosystem is fail-safe. No one canguarantee that an airbag will notdeploy under some unusualcircumstance, even though it isturned off.Secure rear-facing child restraintsin a rear seat, even if the airbagis off. If you secure aforward-facing child restraint inthe front seat, always move thefront passenger seat as far backas it will go. It is better to securethe child restraint in a rear seat.See Passenger Sensing System0 77 for additional information.When securing a child restraint in arear seating position, study theinstructions that came with the childrestraint to make sure it iscompatible with this vehicle.Child restraints and booster seatsvary considerably in size, and somemay fit in certain seating positionsbetter than others.Depending on where you place thechild restraint and the size of thechild restraint, you may not be ableto access adjacent safety beltassemblies or LATCH anchors foradditional passengers or childrestraints. Adjacent seatingpositions should not be used if thechild restraint prevents access to orinterferes with the routing of thesafety belt.Wherever a child restraint isinstalled, be sure to secure the childrestraint properly.Keep in mind that an unsecuredchild restraint can move around in acollision or sudden stop and injurepeople in the vehicle. Be sure toproperly secure any child restraint inthe vehicle — even when no child isin it.Lower Anchors andTethers for Children(LATCH System)The LATCH system secures a childrestraint during driving or in a crash.LATCH attachments on the childrestraint are used to attach the childrestraint to the anchors in thevehicle. The LATCH system isdesigned to make installation of achild restraint easier.In order to use the LATCH system inyour vehicle, you need a childrestraint that has LATCHattachments. LATCH-compatiblerear-facing and forward-facing childseats can be properly installedusing either the LATCH anchors orthe vehicle’s safety belts. Do notuse both the safety belts and theLATCH anchorage system to securea rear-facing or forward-facingchild seat.Booster seats use the vehicle’ssafety belts to secure the child inthe booster seat. If the manufacturerrecommends that the booster seatbe secured with the LATCH system,