Seats and Restraints 59Manually Recalling MemoryPositionsPress and hold 1, 2, or B tomanually recall the previouslystored memory positions. Releasing1, 2, or B before the storedpositions are reached stops therecall.Automatically Recalling MemoryPositionsIf programmed in the vehiclepersonalization Menu, the Auto(Automatic) Memory Recall featureautomatically recalls the currentdriver’s previously stored 1 or 2position when the ignition ischanged from off to ON/RUN/START or ACC/ACCESSORY.The transmission must be inP (Park).See Vehicle Personalization 0 147.To stop recall movement, press oneof the memory, driver seat, outsidemirror, or power tilt and telescopingsteering column controls.RKE transmitters are not labeledwith a number. If your memory seatposition is stored to 1 or 2 but thisposition is not automaticallyrecalling, then store your positionsto the other button or switch RKEtransmitters with the other driver.If the vehicle’s driver has changed,in some vehicles the Driver ID maybe displayed for the first few ignitioncycles.Easy Exit RecallIf programmed on in the vehiclepersonalization menu, the Easy Exitfeature recalls the previously storedB (Exit) positions when leaving thevehicle. See “Storing MemoryPositions” listed previously. Seealso Vehicle Personalization 0 147.Easy Exit Recall automaticallyactivates when one of the followingoccurs:. The vehicle is turned off and thedriver door is opened within ashort time.. The vehicle is turned off with thedriver door open.ObstructionsIf something has blocked the driverseat and/or the power tilt andtelescoping steering column whilerecalling a memory position, therecall may stop. Remove theobstruction. Then do one of thefollowing:. If automatically or manuallyrecalling the stored memoryposition, press and hold theappropriate manual control fortwo seconds. Try recalling againby pressing the appropriatememory button, then try recallingagain by opening the driver doorand pressing K on the RKEtransmitter... If recalling the exit position,press and hold the appropriatemanual control for the exitfeature not recalling fortwo seconds. Then try recallingthe exit position again.If the memory position is still notrecalling, see your dealer forservice.